
On Your Terms

Financial Planning for the rest of us.

A Different Kind of Planning 

“Everyone has a plan until the get punched in the mouth”

-Mike Tyson

  • Finding financial advice, you can trust can be tricky. What is fee only vs fee based? What is a broker dealer? There are managers, consultants, advisors, and coaches. Most of these players in the financial advice space get pays the same way, AUM.

    AUM (assets under management) is the way most advisors get paid. The more money of your money they manage, the more they get paid. The average in the industry is around 1%. Even those held to the fiduciary standard (and you want to have a fiduciary) charge and get paid this way. Many investment advisors have a minimum account balance. If you don't have a big portfolio to let them manage, they won't work with you. That's not wrong, it just makes us feel a bit icky.

  • You don't really need a plan, you need a planner. Financial planning isn't a fancy 100 page report with a checklist of tasks for the next year.

    The world is fluid and our value as advisors isn't in predicting the future, it's helping you adjust and regroup when life punches you in the mouth.

    Financial planning is about how you think and feel about money and how that affects the financial decisions you make. Financial mistakes are increasingly difficult to come back from. Especially if you're already struggling.

    We are there when you needs us. If you've got a question or a need, just text, email, or call.

  • It's our mission to help as many people as we can each a place where the things they choose to do are motivated by their values and not a paycheck.